Overweight and Depressed, It Starts Early in Children

Being Overweight and depressed often starts from the time one is a child - and it is one of the clearest examples where parents have the duty to step in so their child does not suffer from an adult problem in childhood. There is no such thing as innate obese children - absolutely all children at birth have a normal number of fat cells, even if they have a mom and dad who are world fitness champions. However, if both parents have very curvaceous bodies, there remains a strong possibility that their child will be obese and will potentially suffer from being overweight and depressed. And all because the parents feed the child in the same way as they are used to feeding themselves - in big tasty amounts; and this rational of such a family can be hardly referred to a healthy diet for a child; it is banal overeating, which gradually becomes a habit of the child, under the influence and constant exposure to harmful habits. But the child always knows how, and what he/she wants to eat - their appetite center is still functioning very well. Sometimes for the parents, making their child finish their whole meal is a matter of pride and sign of respect when the child eats the whole portion they put on the childs plate - they do everything: threats, all sorts of persuasions, promises of gifts, distract children, read books, and sometimes even punish. As a result, fat cells grow by leaps and bounds. This is the most common way childhood obesity develops and when the body mass exceeds the ideal by 20% or more, the child is now obese.
Obesity in children has its own characteristics - the extra pounds are gained in the range from 7 to 10 years, and fat is most apparent in the lower half of the body - thighs, buttocks, and they, unfortunately, will never disappear.
Only long periods of intensive physiotherapy and massage procedures will reduce the problem areas once they are already obese adults. If children are not so much faced with physical problems from being overweight, then psychological issues associated with obesity may creep in. They will have to face many problems, especially in the teenage years. Ridicule of their peers, inability to share in the many related physical activities, and as a consequence, the development of self image and worth complexes, bring many obese children to despair.
Stay tuned for the second part of this article, where we will delve further in to the world of being Overweight and Depressed as a child.
Emerson Scherer

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