Obesity in America Facts


Empty Promises Make America Fat

Remember what you were doing around, say, January 3rd? That New Year's resolution to lose all that weight? How many of us have given up on that resolution yet? It's a yearly ritual. Well it turns out we are not so different from our politician friends! All those resolutions to change the way Washington works, cut out the fat in our budget, set us on a path towards prosperity? Sure there have been a few changes, but are we really on a different path than we were a few years ago? Or will we stick with it for a while and start getting fat again?
The fact is, we need substantial changes and not just enough to please the constituents. We are driving our country and our economy off a cliff, and all we get is a different radio station. The rhetoric changes, but remember that we are still in debt, we still can't fund our entitlement programs, and partisanship in our nation's capital is worse than ever. Our debt problems do not go away with the sweep of a pen by this super committee. And our problems don't get fixed when we refuse to take on the entitlements that are weighing us down.
It was no surprise that we found ourselves in these dire straits. Like that delicious cake on your birthday, the ice cream when your boyfriend breaks up with you, or the beers after a hard day's work, it feels good when we get to eat what we want. We like when our politicians bring home the pork to us, and we don't like to think about how much we need that spending diet. Well it's time to suck it up and put our country on a diet that really works. We need some leadership in Washington, and it's gonna take a serious fitness trainer to whip us into shape.
Ronald Reagan was famous for asking "are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" Well I ask you the same thing: how much has really changed? Not just these 4 years, but the years and decades before us. Did we simply shed a few pounds and gain it back, or did we make the necessary attitude changes? Things won't fix themselves on their own. We can't magically create more workers to support our retiring seniors. We need to change the culture that says entitlements will be there no matter what. We can't magically wish away the debt (though wouldn't that be nice?), we need to take serious measures to get ourselves under control. America has an obesity problem through and through. It's time to shape up America, and make sure our politicians do too.
Andre P. Audette is author of the blog No Politics As Usual - Challenging partisanship, calling out corruption, and confronting "politics as usual." Read it online at http://www.andrepierreaudette.com/

How the Rise of Obesity in America Is Increasing Demand for Bariatric Equipment for Travel and More

It's a fact: 93 million Americans are overweight. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one in three Americans is overweight. Another one-third is obese, meaning they are at least 20 percent heavier than their ideal body weight. Approximately one in 20 people is morbidly obese, or 50 to 100 percent above his/her ideal body weight.
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of acquiring serious medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, and much more. Carrying extra weight puts increased stress on the body, especially the bones/joints of the legs, making it difficult to walk. In addition, breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma can result from being overweight or obese.
In recent years, bariatric equipment has been further developed to accommodate the growing number of individuals who are overweight or obese, whether for medical and emergency services, everyday life mobility, or to enjoy travel.
What are hospitals, fire departments and other emergency services doing to accommodate individuals who are overweight or obese? They're investing in bigger, stronger, bariatric equipment. Across the country, more and more hospitals are offering bigger wheelchairs, electronic lifts, stretchers, walkers, and patient privacy curtains; sturdier beds, floor-mounted toilets, larger bathrooms, and double wide chairs. They're increasing the weight limit on CT scanners. Ambulances are being retrofitted with sturdier floorboards, automated stretchers that hold more weight, wider beds, ramps, removable hoists and more.
Regardless of their weight, or health problems they may have stemming from their weight, individuals who are overweight or obese need and want to travel, and require special equipment to do so. Maneuvering around a large cruise ship, theme park, convention center, or even the grocery store can be a great challenge for individuals who are overweight or obese. Plus, it's very likely that they require special needs equipment for travel for other health issues, such as asthma, sleep apnea, etc.
To accommodate individuals who are overweight or obese and allow them to travel without barriers, Special Needs Group offers a wide range of high-quality, reliable bariatric and special needs equipment. This includes:
• Wheelchair rentals accommodating individuals weighing up to 750 pounds
• Scooter rentals for those weighing up to 500 pounds
• Extra wide rollator rentals (walkers with a seat)
• Oxygen and oxygen equipment rentals
Everyone, regardless of their weight, should and does have the right to travel. Special Needs Group is making great strides in helping thousands of individuals with special needs, including those who are overweight or obese, realize their travel dreams. By offering bariatric equipment rentals, the company is allowing these individuals to comfortably enjoy exploring the world, without travel barriers.
For more information, visit http://www.specialneedsgroup.com.
Special Needs Group, Inc., based in South Florida, is the leading global provider of wheelchair rentals, scooter rentals, oxygen rentals and other special needs equipment rentals. It also offers a broad range of special needs equipment for purchase.
Andrew J. Garnett, founder, president and CEO of Special Needs Group and Special Needs at Sea, has over ten years of leadership experience building a global brand in the Special Needs industry. An accomplished corporate strategist and marketer, his vision and expertise in business performance have driven notable growth in both the Special Needs and the Travel Industries.

Why There Are Many Obese People in the USA

Obesity is usually a problem where you can find in richer and more developed countries. In poorer and underdeveloped countries, obesity is rarely the problem because they are lack of nutritional food to eat. USA is now a developed country and obesity is affecting a lot of people in the country.
Why, you may ask. The first cause of obesity in the US is due to the fact that advancement in technology. Of course, the people have longer lifespans now since there are more health facilities and treatments available now. However, since there are a lot of inventions which have made our lives easier, such as cars and buses, we no longer have the need to walk long distances to travel. We do not need to use the traditional hard way to use our clothes anymore with the invention of washing machine. Therefore, we have fewer chances to get our bodies moving and obesity problem is getting worse when we keep looking for excuses to avoid exercising.
Fast food is getting more and more easily available in the USA now. Fast food contains a lot of fats and sodium which are bad for health and can cause overweight problems. Although the people know that the food is unhealthy, they still consume it due to its convenience and easy availability. Furthermore, food portion is getting bigger and bigger nowadays and some seems to exceed the recommended daily intake. When you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight as the excess calories will be stored as fat in your body.
You need to know the solutions to obesity problem once you have identified the cause. You need to deal with the problem as fast as you can before it is too late. We have a lot of weight loss tips [http://www.everlossreviews.net] for you and you can find them at our website [http://www.everlossreviews.net] Click the link today to start your weight loss journey now, or a year from now you may wish you started today!

How to Organize a Pull Your Own Weight - Childhood Obesity Prevention Program in Any PE Class

This article presumes its readers understand the basic contention that "kids who can perform pull ups cannot be obese, that kids who are obese can't perform pull ups, and that teaching kids to be able to perform pull ups immunizes them against obesity as long as they maintain the ability." Now, if I were still a physical education teacher today, and I wanted to do something significant and measurable to combat the growing problem of childhood obesity in this country, I'd do the following things to help turn the tide.
• I'd start the year off by testing my students in a number of different functional fitness activities, but I'd pay special attention to pull ups.
• I'd divide the students into two groups, those who can do at least one pull up (group X), and those who can't do any pull ups (group Y).
• I'd then divide the students up into teams of equal size, and each team would be required to have at least one student who can do a pull ups (from group X).
• I'd make the student(s) from group X responsible for helping students from group Y learn to do pull ups, and reward the successes accordingly.
• I'd create at least one (and probably three or four) height adjustable pull up station, and show all students how to use the strategy of leg assisted pull ups, "inching" their way up the chain until they eventually run out of leg assistance and can do regular pull ups.
• I'd also have a Total Gym to help students with extraordinary weight problems to make regular, measurable progress towards regular pull ups.
• I'd introduce a practical context within which kids would understand good nutritional habits, implement and monitor it.
• I'd make sure that everyone from group X knows how to work correctly with their teammates from group Y.
• I'd intentionally stack the deck and build small but regular successes (motivation) into the program for all participants
• I'd make quarterly checks to see what's happening in each group.
• I'd check out the possibility of having some intra-class, intra-grade, even intra-school competitions, being careful to compare group to group instead of individual student to individual student.
• As far as individual students are concerned, I'd encourage self-competition over competition with other students.
• The first goal is to make sure that all participants make regular, tangible progress over a significant period of time...at least 12 weeks. This will establish a pattern of public success, and internalize the motivation.
• The primary, long term goal of course would be to significantly increase the percentage of students who are members of group X from quarter to quarter, semester to semester, year to year.
• I'd generate regular press releases (on school letterhead) so the local media could be kept updated and would report regularly on how we're attacking childhood obesity in our school.
• I'd build a PYOW web-site so that the computerized generation can check out all kinds of related things whenever they're on line.
• I'd involve the private sector, many of whom are anxious to be identified with, even sponsor public educational success in a variety of ways.
• I'd organize an annual Pull Up A Thon between schools to help raise funds to benefit a worthwhile, local charity.
• I'd try to track all kinds of related behaviors, including academic success.
• I'd make it a privilege to participate. Forcing participation turns pull ups into a job and effectively reduces its value to students.
• I'd take advantage of the fact that all students want to be strong, not weak, and I'd cultivate a mentality favoring strength and independence over weakness and dependence.
• I'd tell other physical educators about this program and encourage them to develop programs of their own for their own students.
• I'd find companies in the area who'd like to sponsor PYOW employee wellness programs, and have students explain and design their program.
• I'd find police and fire departments who'd like to participate and have students explain and design their program.
• I'd find educators in schools who'd like to participate and have students explain and design their program.
• I'd find parents who'd like to participate and have students design their PYOW program.
• I'd go to city hall and recruit politicians who'd like to participate, etc.
• I'd go to park districts, Boy's and Girl's Clubs, YM/WCA's, Health Clubs, Pre-Schools, and churches, to find out who else in the community would like to be able to physically Pull Their Own Weight, then encourage the students to help them do so.
• I'd encourage students to take pride in their peer's, (and generally in other people's) success.
• And I'll add more things to do when and if they come to me.
Rick Osbourne spent 17 years as a physical educator and coach. He currently serves as Executive Director of Operation Pull Your Own Weight, (www.pullyourownweight.net) an informational website whose claim to fame is a strategy that motivates kids to naturally immunize themselves against obesity for life. Osbourne is also a member of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists, a public speaker, and his latest book "Strong at Everything, Weak at Nothing: How to Motivate Your Kids to Eat Better, Exercise More, and to Immunize Themselves Against Obesity for Life," is available online at Amazon. Osbourne a can be reached at Osbourne.rick@gmail.com.

Who is Responsible For the Health Crisis in America?

baby born in the U.S. in 2004 will live an average of 77.9 years. That life expectancy ranks 42d in the world, down from 11th twenty years earlier.
- Source: Census Bureau and National Center for Health Statistics
Who is responsible for the health crisis in America? Is it the government? The state of the economy? Parents? Schools? What about you and me? Restaurants? Grocery stores? Or is it our busy schedules? How about those get-togethers and parties you attend? Maybe the presented food choices are to blame. Yes! "Blame." That is the word I was looking for! We are looking for someone or some institution to blame for our health crisis.
Is there a government conspiracy? If so, just who are the conspirators? Let us get one thing straight. You and I do not need anyone's help in creating a health crisis. There is a reason for this. You and I are the greatest conspirators of our own lives. We have received more than enough information to let us know what to do to enhance our health and yet we, in many cases, do not act and make the changes. I think that clarifies the conspiracy theory in a nutshell. When I speak of this health crisis, I am not talking about medical insurance or medical costs or treatment. True, this is an important issue. However, this issue only touches on the surface of the problem. How we think, eat and live is the real cause. So who or what is responsible? Do you have an idea? Who is the villain or culprit?
You are personally responsible for all the decisions you make. Do not blame any institution or anyone else for your poor choices that lead to disease, illness and poor health.
What has caused America to fall so far behind the statistics on longevity in the world? The ranking went from 11th to 42d. Americans do live longer, but not as long as 41 other countries, according to National Center on Health Statistics. Why is one of the richest countries in the world not able to keep up with other countries? Some say it is because the United States has no universal health care. I do not see that as the primary reason since we have never had universal health care. Here is what I think are some of the primary reasons for this trend:
  • Adults in the United States have one of the highest obesity rates in the world. One third of U.S. adults 20 years and older are obese and about two thirds are overweight, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
  • Americans are extremely sedentary in their lifestyles.
  • Americans do not exercise at all or very little.
  • Americans eat too much and they eat too much processed foods, sugar and fat.
  • As long as the health care debate is limited to insurance, the health of Americans will not improve.
Kids sometimes will do the craziest things. Once upon a time, there were two brothers. We will call them Sam and Jake. As school-aged brothers, Sam challenged Jake to climb a tree, and so he does. Then Jake is challenged, on a dare, to go farther out on a long, thin branch of the tree. He gets about half way out before the limb breaks, and he comes falling to the earth with a thump. Jake broke his nose and got some cuts and bruises. Both kids report to their mother and of course Mom asks Jake, "How did this happen?" Jake responds, "Sam made me do it!"
There are many complaints I hear about all that enticing processed food in the grocery stores. There are remarks about the special challenge of eating out: The portion sizes are too big, and there are all those irresistible, unhealthy "choices" available. I see no difference between Jake's response and these complaining adults' reactions to their plight - or, should I say, dilemma. Jake said, "Sam made me do it." Translation: Sam is responsible for Jake's poor decision to go out on a limb. That is nonsense. Jake is responsible for his own decision to go out on a limb. We adults are too frequently "going out on a limb" with our health by making poor choices while laying the blame on external circumstances or institutions -- whether commercial, social, or governmental. Cease fire with such thoughts of blaming external circumstances or other people. Take charge. Be accountable for your own actions.
Are our institutions off the hook when it becomes to responsibility? No, they are not. I use the term "institution" in a broad sense, to include the following:
  • Federal, state and local governments
  • Political parties and politicians
  • Teachers and school boards
  • Physicians, dentists, nurses
  • Journalists, press and media
  • CEO's and corporate shareholders
  • Restaurateurs, marketers
  • School cafeterias
  • Workplace cafeterias
  • Clergy, little league coaches
  • Parents and caregivers
  • Law enforcement officers, parole officers
  • Military leaders (from the squad leader upward)
What kind of leadership responsibility do institutions have when it comes to healthy eating and exercise? Institutions, as well as all leaders, have a heightened level of responsibility beyond rules and regulations of the organization. Our institutions have the special responsibility to "walk the talk," clarify the goals of health and fitness, and assume a more visionary role to set and implement standards for a solution to our health crisis. Our institutions are morally obligated to set the example by living by the higher standard required of them as leaders. This can be accomplished through legislation, executive orders and both internal and public policy making. Our institutions need to deal with the problem directly and use their special influence to save lives and prevent suffering.
Health insurance will not accomplish this. Are you looking for true medical insurance? Make your premium payments in the form of living a healthy lifestyle void of dependence on a home pharmacy of medications. Most of our medications are prescribed because of our lifestyles, not because we simply got sick. I am talking about the overwhelming rule and not the exception.
There are exceptional cases where, despite a healthy lifestyle, serious disease or illness happens. Would you cease to drive a car simply because someone had an automobile accident? In addition, you certainly should not cease to lead a healthy lifestyle just because someone you know lived to be 100 years old as a smoker. That would be a fatal error in thinking. It is just this type of thinking that is killing and maiming Americans. Ban this type of thinking from your mind.
Take the educational institutions for America's young people. Schools are primarily focused on delivering on educating our youth with an approved curriculum. Schools need to go beyond mere curriculum, to consider the whole child, setting improved fitness and healthy eating as a priority. Fitness and healthy eating should be a part of the curriculum, as they play a major role in the development of a child.
Teachers are role models and leaders when it comes to eating and exercise habits and how they portray their attitudes about fitness and health in school. John Maxwell defines leadership as "influence - nothing more, nothing less." Moving beyond the position of the teacher to assessing the ability of the teacher to influence others as a leader is essential. This refers to those who would consider themselves followers, and those outside that circle.
Leadership builds character, because without maintaining integrity and trustworthiness, the capability to positively influence will disappear. There are many other definitions of leadership. They all point to a leader having influence on others and providing to them the guidance and direction necessary to envision a long-term view of the future.
Policy is made from the top down through legislation, executive order, mission and policy statements. Where there is a void in such top-down leadership, the initiative must begin from the ground up. Educational institutions by virtue of their access to vast blocks of our children's time, have a unique responsibility to go beyond mere curriculum to consider the whole child. By offering and stressing healthier choices, they are setting precedent for the rest of that child's life.
Early in America's pioneer history, schoolteachers were expected to be morally beyond reproach in every detail of their own lifestyle. This reflected how those communities wanted to influence their children's future and the future of the country as a whole. Today's America likewise needs today's schoolteachers to be wholeheartedly health conscious for the same reason. Our future depends on it.
That is not to say that all schoolteachers should be fashion-model thin or good-looking or in any way shaped by the media's image. An overweight teacher who is working to improve her fitness would be preferable over the Size 4 who is proud to eat candy bars and drink sodas in front of her pupils. Institutions are role models in all that they say and do or do not say or do. Their policies and actions set the standards.
Look at some statistics on childhood obesity in America. About 15 percent of children and adolescents ages 6-19 years are seriously overweight. The percentage of children and adolescents who are defined as overweight has nearly tripled since the early 1970s.
  • Over 10 percent of preschool children between ages of two and five are overweight.
  • Another 15 percent of children and teens ages 6-19 are considered at risk of becoming overweight.
  • Researchers found that lowered self-esteem was associated with being overweight in girls as young as five.
  • One in five children in the U.S. is overweight.
  • Children ages 10-13 who are obese are expected to have a 70% likelihood of suffering from obesity as adults.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC), 1999-2000
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
Childhood obesity is only the indicator of an underlying problem of a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Address these underlying issues, and childhood obesity will be significantly reduced.
Our schools, teachers and parents have a heightened level of leadership responsibility to address the statistics that are just a few of many indicators of the direction of the state of health of our children. Once these children become adults, they, too, will pass on their lifestyles to their children and will in all likelihood perpetuate poor eating and exercise habits. The consequences will manifest themselves as learning disabilities, increased crime, and socioeconomic problems which our children's generation cannot afford to inherit.
What is the number one excuse institutions use for not doing more to fight the poor state of health of Americans?
Answer: It is each individual's own decision as to how he or she wants to live, how he or she wants to eat and exercise or not. This is the mother of all institutional excuses. An institution using this excuse relinquishes its leadership responsibility as a visionary to lead and guide by example and exercise that institutional influence it possesses. The institutions need to ask the visionary question of what can they do to influence, guide and inspire each individual to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Dietary guidelines, pyramids and charts have all failed to make Americans healthier. Why are they not working? Institutions are made up of individuals who are a cross-section of society who are therefore personally dealing with the same lifestyle issues about eating and exercise, as are all consumers.
Dietary guidelines do not work, because the vast majority of the food and beverage industry does not incorporate them into food choices and portion sizes we see on the shelves. Remember, this is from the perspective of the institution and its responsibility and in no way diminishes the personal responsibility of every individual to take charge of their own lifestyle and choices. Our children need special guidance to learn what personal responsibility means. That guidance must come from adults.
Emission controls in the automobile industry have resulted in smaller, cleaner, and more fuel-efficient cars; though more work remains to be done. These successes were accomplished through government regulation through the Clean Air Act and similar initiatives. We have another just as pressing form of pollution going on in America: health pollution.
We have a health pollution crisis on our hands in America, and - as with automobile emission regulations - the food and beverage industry needs to be regulated to meet improved standards for healthy eating through strict labeling, reduced portion sizes, and regulation and disclosure of unhealthy ingredients in our country's food supply.
The free market society needs some governmental fine-tuning in order to save American lives and prevent suffering. The cost of not doing so is enormous. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes (the four leading causes of death in the U.S.), and obesity, hypertension, and osteoporosis are all linked to diet and exercise. Americans and their children are the most over-fed and under-nourished group of people in the world.
One out of two Americans is overweight. One-third of Americans are obese. Being overweight is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.
  • The total cost of stroke to the United States is estimated at about $43 billion per year.
  • $28 billion per year direct costs for medical care and therapy.
  • $15,000 is the average cost of care for a patient for up to 90 days after a stroke.
  • $35,000 for 10% of patients, the cost of care for the first 90 days after a stroke.
*Statistics compiled from the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council "Hospital Performance Report: 28 Common Medical Procedures and Treatments" (December 2002)
The food and beverage industry as well as the health and wellness industry have a leadership responsibility to clean up their marketing. Misinformation and misleading claims are rampant. Observe carefully and you will detect the emotion-laden words, which are associated with poor choices and portion sizes:
  • Convenient (over-processed)
  • All natural (so is lard and corn syrup)
  • Lite or light (lots of added sugar)
  • Quick and easy (huge amounts of sodium)
  • Simple (check the label; not so simple, unpronounceable ingredients.)
In addition, the list goes on:
Fun, exciting, easy, time saver, feels great, low-carb, no sugar, no fat, healthy, look great.
Will the food and beverage industry have an economic price to pay for such changes? Yes, the transitional period will have some associated costs, in the short term. In the end, the food and beverage industry as well as consumers and our country as a whole will all benefit from a healthier America with healthier food choices. In fact, this will result in innovation and new areas of revenue for the food and beverage industry, all while actively contributing to making Americans and America healthier and stronger.
Disclosure is the law for government in Florida and many other states and federal entities. The Sunshine Law of Florida establishes a basic right of access to most meetings of boards, commissions and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities. It has led to not only a more informed public, but also actually better government.
Full disclosure on food labels would likewise inform the public and result in healthier foods being produced and marketed. True full disclosure for the average consumer must be in the form of a simple "level of healthiness" and "level of nutrients" grade. The factors determining the simple, easy-to-understand grade must be clearly defined in easily understandable language.
The present health pollution of America is a national security issue because the consequences go much farther into sociological issues, such as increased crime and poor learning ability. An unhealthy America cannot perform or think as well.
Whatever challenges our country faces will be better met if we are healthier in mind and body. Sick and unhealthy Americans are living longer and living with meds. These Americans need to be weaned back to health and off the meds, where possible. In most cases, lifestyle changes will result in improved health, independent of meals. Our physicians are challenged with a special institutional leadership role in strategizing to prescribe lifestyle-based changes and not just medication so that they and not just medication so that they truly can take on the role of healers, not only for the patient but also for the nation. Keep America strong. The medication mindset without healthy eating and exercise is killing Americans.
We have what it takes to change our culture for the betterment of all by taking personal responsibility for our lifestyles we lead. Our institutions have an equally important role model responsibility to set the tone and standard necessary to keep America healthy. Regardless of political affiliation, there should be complete agreement about personal and institutional responsibilities.
By Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret., author of Weight Loss - Twenty Pounds in Ten Weeks - Move It to Lose It
Lt. Col. Weinstein, nationally known as the Health Colonel, has been featured on the History Channel and specializes in a military-style workout for all fitness levels on Fort Lauderdale Beach in South Florida. He is the author of Boot Camp Fitness for All Shapes and Sizes, Weight Loss - Twenty Pounds in Ten Weeks - Move It to Lose It, Discover Your Inner Strength (co-author), Change Made Easy and Quotes to Live By.
His website: http://www.BeachBootCamp.net
Office 954-636-5351
Email TheHealthColonel@BeachBootCamp.net

What If Your Doctor Said You're Obese?

If you were told by your doctor that you are significantly overweight, would it have been surprizing to you? Most certainly not; you already would (or should) have known. You have been ignoring reality all this time.
In fact, if I am obese and my doctor said otherwise I would have known he/she was telling me a fat lie.
So, by now you would have been noticing the gradual inflation of your health every time you go to your wardrobe or to the department store to choose your clothes. Your mirror would have been screaming at you for months or years, but you always kept on doing what you're doing.
Well now, if you are obese, overweight, or are on the road to becoming, consider this simple argument...
What does it mean to be obese?
It means...
  • You're carrying around too much load, and you are not getting any younger.
  • You need a bigger, stronger heart since you have now significantly increased the workload for your heart. You can only increase the power of your heart by exercising - which you (most likely) have not been doing.
  • Your body mass index (BMI) is 30+
  • Maybe your belly jiggles when you laugh. But this is no laughing matter! Why?
  • You are three times more likely to suffer from heart disease,
  • You are four times more likely to suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • You are also five times more likely to develop diabetes, and
  • You have increased risk of developing cancer.
Obesity shortens your life. Scientists have estimated that for every extra pound you put on you tend to shorten your lifespan by one month. So if you are 30 lbs over weight, there goes 2½ glorious years!What can you do?
Don't think you have to do anything big. Just think long-term.
That's right. You might be hearing sounds like, "lose 30 lbs in as many days!" Hey, how long did it take you to put on that much weight? Much longer.
Take it easy. Do it right. Do it for the right reasons. Do it for the health of it. Do it the healthy way. What is that?
Change all the unhealthy practices to healthy ones - like
  • increasing the rate at which you burn calories. Regular exercise. This also builds and strengthens muscles, which means increased calorie-burning capacity.
  • Eat more fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables and less of the fatty, sugary foods.
  • Don't skip breakfast, and do not snack
Those are just a few of the very important and surefire ways to have a normal body weight.
That's not any where nearly as difficult or costly as gastric bypass or liposuction. And it works.
Wyatt S.B., Winters K.P., Dubbert P.M., Overweight and obesity: Prevalence, Consequences, and Causes of a Growing Public Health Problem; American J. Med Sci. 2006 Apr; 331(4):166-174.
Luddington, A., Diehl, H., Health Power, 2002
Copyright © 2006 by Bentley Thompson
Bentley writes about lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. He advocates the anti-diabetes diet which he describes on his website. You may visit his website and blog using the following URLs: http://www.anti-diabetes-diet-supplements.com/ and http://choosehealthtoday.blogspot.com

8 Reasons to Avoid Obesity

1. Overweight people are 2 to 6 times more likely to develop hypertension, have a stroke, thrombosis and clots in the legs. Excess body fat can also lead to impaired cardiac function.
2. Excess body fat can lead to insulin resistance and increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes in both adults and children.
3. Obesity can be a factor in the development of cancer, because of the eating patterns that get us to obesity (most people don't get obese by eating fruits and vegetables) also increase the likelihood of developing some kind of cancer. Inactivity also increases the risk of cancer. Some estimates suggest that poor diet and exercise may account for up to a third of the cancer risk. The types of cancer linked with obesity are endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.
4. Obese people are more likely to have degenerative joint disease. It makes it more likely to have sleep apnea, mechanical breathing constraints (particularly during exercise). It just takes more effort to work the chest wall if it has huge amounts of fat.
5. Obese people have more problems with anesthesia during surgery, as well as compromised wound healing. It also increases the likelihood of developing gallbladder disease.
6. A newly discovered consequence is fatty infiltration of the liver. This is known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Some estimates suggest that as the liver becomes infiltrated with fat, it causes hepatitis and that can lead to liver failure.
7. Obesity also has deep psychological effects: depression, being stigmatized by people, bullying and discrimination. This is really one of the least accepted forms of discriminations. We have made great advances in our culture: most of us accept that we can have different religious beliefs, or that we can have different ethnicity and still have the same rights. However, we are not sensitive to the individuals who are overweight.
8. In 2002, the cost of overweight in the US was estimated to be 92 billion dollars!
Pablo Antuna's mission is to help you make conscious and intelligent eating choices that would help you live the life you really want. Visit him at: Nutrition for Smart People. Learn what you can do to improve your diet and avoid obesity.