Obesity in America has reached the critical level of around 50 - 55% of the population is overweight, or at the obese level of being overweight. How did it come to be this bad? Why has no one has really done anything about it (until now)?
And the funny thing is, this didn't just happen overnight. Because we weren't paying much attention, it sort of took us by surprise. One day we looked down and saw a sea of flabby abs, muffin tops and love handles and wonder how it happened.
Obesity is on the Rise
This is an understatement, obesity is not just on the rise, it has swept this nation so hard, that within the next generation or 2, nearly everyone will be overweight, and on the verge of being obese.
It's a fact; with added weight, we get more health problems, which in turn puts a strain on our health care system. How did it all start?
We're Less Active
Just a generation ago, it wasn't a given that people had a TV with cable or satellite. And computer games were in their infancy. But as more and more people got cable TV, more and more time was spent sitting in front of it. Couch potatoes were born.
(By the way, next time you watch TV, count how many food commercials pop up within even half an hour -- you'll be stunned when you realize it.)
Now we have satellite and cable and even more insinuating is the computer. Not just for games, but for chatting, surfing and catching up on the latest news. Not bad in of itself, but it can foster bad eating habits (like grabbing snacks instead of proper meals).
Weight Loss - Next to Impossible!
It seems that weight loss is impossible given the odds stacked against you. Fast food calls to you, TV and the internet keep you seated. Who has time for a nutritious diet or exercise, what with the hectic schedules we have?
Stop. Take a breath. Obesity isn't stamped out overnight, but begins with a simple desire to start making better choices. Don't automatically grab a pizza or burger, but try something healthier instead at least twice a week.
You're not going to change all your habits when you wake up tomorrow. But you can change one bad habit to a better habit, right now. Then in a week or so work on the next habit and so on.
Obesity in America can be reversed; it only takes one pound at a time.
More FREE Information for Your Own Weight Loss Goals
And the funny thing is, this didn't just happen overnight. Because we weren't paying much attention, it sort of took us by surprise. One day we looked down and saw a sea of flabby abs, muffin tops and love handles and wonder how it happened.
Obesity is on the Rise
This is an understatement, obesity is not just on the rise, it has swept this nation so hard, that within the next generation or 2, nearly everyone will be overweight, and on the verge of being obese.
It's a fact; with added weight, we get more health problems, which in turn puts a strain on our health care system. How did it all start?
We're Less Active
Just a generation ago, it wasn't a given that people had a TV with cable or satellite. And computer games were in their infancy. But as more and more people got cable TV, more and more time was spent sitting in front of it. Couch potatoes were born.
(By the way, next time you watch TV, count how many food commercials pop up within even half an hour -- you'll be stunned when you realize it.)
Now we have satellite and cable and even more insinuating is the computer. Not just for games, but for chatting, surfing and catching up on the latest news. Not bad in of itself, but it can foster bad eating habits (like grabbing snacks instead of proper meals).
Weight Loss - Next to Impossible!
It seems that weight loss is impossible given the odds stacked against you. Fast food calls to you, TV and the internet keep you seated. Who has time for a nutritious diet or exercise, what with the hectic schedules we have?
Stop. Take a breath. Obesity isn't stamped out overnight, but begins with a simple desire to start making better choices. Don't automatically grab a pizza or burger, but try something healthier instead at least twice a week.
You're not going to change all your habits when you wake up tomorrow. But you can change one bad habit to a better habit, right now. Then in a week or so work on the next habit and so on.
Obesity in America can be reversed; it only takes one pound at a time.
More FREE Information for Your Own Weight Loss Goals
About this Author
Obesity takes a toll on your body, and maybe you're ready to do something about it. Congratulations and remember, every single pound lost is a victory!But what if you'd like a little extra help, especially in the beginning?
You're in luck; here's some free information on natural resveratrol weight loss [http://www.resveratrolweightlossnow.info]; watch the video, read the info and get your free trial. Then celebrate your weight loss victories!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3798500
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