I've been writing a lot of articles lately about the problem of obesity in America as well as the causes and effects of obesity and I'm finding myself becoming more and more impatient with people who are extremely overweight or obese and the excuses I hear many of these individuals making for their poor physical condition.
Let's be upfront and honest about the obesity epidemic that North Americans are facing - and make no mistake, it is an epidemic. There are two main factors contributing to the numbers of people who are extremely overweight and obese.
First, too many people are just lazy. There's no better word to use to explain why so many individuals refuse to participate in any form of regular physical exercise/activity. It's just plain laziness. Of course, you'll hear people say that they are so busy with all of the things they have to do each day that they don't have time to exercise.
In most cases that is complete rubbish, the reason being that those same people who say they simply don't have the time to exercise on a regular basis always find time to do the things they really want to do, such as eating themselves to death and sitting in front of the television for hours on end, which is contributing to their obesity. Please note that the link between the number of hours spent watching TV each day and the risk of obesity are well documented.
Secondly, people in North America eat far too much. It's not just about eating junk food, it's also about the size of the servings that North Americans are accustomed to consuming, and in fact, have come to expect. You know as well as I do that one of the criteria people in the U.S. and Canada use for judging the value of the meal at a restaurant is how much food the restaurant puts on the plate. North Americans have become obsessed with the super-sized serving.
Consider that it is not uncommon for an individual in North America to consume well over 1,000 calories at a single meal. This is an absurd amount of food for someone living a sedentary lifestyle to be eating in just one sitting. For instance, a Big Mac meal at McDonald's contains approximately 1130 calories. That's more than half of the calories that an average male would need to consume for an entire day.
Eating at home and preparing your own meals doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to be consuming any less from a calorie standpoint because many people also consume far too many calories per meal when eating at home.
So, when are people going to wake up to the fact that there is no excuse for their obesity? Obesity in America is not an impossible challenge to overcome, but I believe people need to really be hit over the head about the causes and effects of obesity so that they will finally start to do something about. Considering the serious health effects and financial costs caused by obesity in America, it had better be soon, because the long-term consequences are too scary to contemplate.
Let's be upfront and honest about the obesity epidemic that North Americans are facing - and make no mistake, it is an epidemic. There are two main factors contributing to the numbers of people who are extremely overweight and obese.
First, too many people are just lazy. There's no better word to use to explain why so many individuals refuse to participate in any form of regular physical exercise/activity. It's just plain laziness. Of course, you'll hear people say that they are so busy with all of the things they have to do each day that they don't have time to exercise.
In most cases that is complete rubbish, the reason being that those same people who say they simply don't have the time to exercise on a regular basis always find time to do the things they really want to do, such as eating themselves to death and sitting in front of the television for hours on end, which is contributing to their obesity. Please note that the link between the number of hours spent watching TV each day and the risk of obesity are well documented.
Secondly, people in North America eat far too much. It's not just about eating junk food, it's also about the size of the servings that North Americans are accustomed to consuming, and in fact, have come to expect. You know as well as I do that one of the criteria people in the U.S. and Canada use for judging the value of the meal at a restaurant is how much food the restaurant puts on the plate. North Americans have become obsessed with the super-sized serving.
Consider that it is not uncommon for an individual in North America to consume well over 1,000 calories at a single meal. This is an absurd amount of food for someone living a sedentary lifestyle to be eating in just one sitting. For instance, a Big Mac meal at McDonald's contains approximately 1130 calories. That's more than half of the calories that an average male would need to consume for an entire day.
Eating at home and preparing your own meals doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to be consuming any less from a calorie standpoint because many people also consume far too many calories per meal when eating at home.
So, when are people going to wake up to the fact that there is no excuse for their obesity? Obesity in America is not an impossible challenge to overcome, but I believe people need to really be hit over the head about the causes and effects of obesity so that they will finally start to do something about. Considering the serious health effects and financial costs caused by obesity in America, it had better be soon, because the long-term consequences are too scary to contemplate.
About this Author
Michael Allison enjoys writing on a number of subjects, including the causes and effects of obesity. Feel free to check out his Big Fat Obesity Blog and leave your comments and feedback.
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